A Beautiful (Non-Digital) Life

If you were to spend this weekend doing something utterly enjoyable, but you’re not allowed to post it on Facebook, what would it be? Give yourself a moment to think about this.

Some of you may be thinking, why shouldn’t I be allowed to post it?  Continue reading

Are You a Digital Hoarder?

Spring cleaning. A daunting but necessary annual task for most people. But as you dust your ceiling fan, clean out your freezer, and purge your closet, have you considered doing some cleaning up for the digital possessions you’ve accumulated over the years? I’m talking about the pictures you took of all the tantalizing desserts you’ve had, email threads with friends when you were making weekend plans, and random music and shows you downloaded because they were free? Continue reading

7 Signs Your Teen May Be Bullied – in Cyberspace

You know the telltale signs if your child is the target of bullying in school – the torn clothing, missing or broken stationery or toys, the unexplained bruises and scratches. But how do you know your teen is safe when he or she is interacting with others in cyberspace or via text messages? Here are some red flags: Continue reading